Hydrostasis presented at WAA's 22-Jan Regular Pitch Event.
A due diligence call is on Monday, 03-Feb-2025 at 3pm PT // 6pm ET.
Please submit due diligence questions for Hydrostasis: Hydrostasis_DD_Pitch Follow-up Questions_Regular Pitch Event_22-Jan-2025
Joining information will be sent upon registration.

PROBLEM: Hydrostasis believes that hydration status is a vital sign. Our mission is to provide people with the tools they need to monitor their hydration levels and stay healthy.
SOLUTION: Hydrostasis provides a hydration monitoring wearable and personalized predictive algorithms to notify users before they experience symptoms of dehydration.
- DeAnne Steele ([email protected] // @DeAnneS on Slack)
- Adam Colton ([email protected] // @Adam Colton on Slack)
RECORDING of Hydrostasis's 22-Jan-2025 pitch presentation
Submit due diligence questions for Hydrostasis: Hydrostasis_DD_Pitch Follow-up Questions_Regular Pitch Event_22-Jan-2025
DEALUM (view company profile, and when available in "DOCUMENTS" tab, pitch deck, deal terms, submit due diligence questions, etc.)