What is the investment process?


Once a Full Member knows that they are considering an investment in a deal they should indicate their consideration by using the deal consideration tool on the Member Portal. In case the deal is oversubscribed, this submission through the Member Portal is used to allocate investment rights to members on a 'First Come First Serve' basis. You can also indicate whether you'd consider being the Deal Lead on. the form

Investors who are participating in the deal are responsible for the level of due diligence that they feel is appropriate (see separate Due Diligence question in the FAQ)

Investing FUll Members will receive the deal document such as purchase agreement from the company and should review that carefully. Our leadership team is available to support and answer questions. When an entrepreneur does not have any deal documents and no other investors, we can propose a deal structure that best suits the deal. Investors must ensure that all documents are suitable for their local jurisdiction.

Investment documents vary deal by deal. The definitive deal documents with the company will be signed by Wharton Alumni Angels when investing via the SPV. In all deals, investors should also carefully review the definitive documents.